Liselot Pluister (31)
In one word: Awesome!
Roald and Marijke challenge you in a playful, professional and inspiring way. They are loving, caring, playful and clear in instructions and tips.
The classes are super fun, diverse and well composed, there's attention for your state of being and space for being yourself.
Playful People Tribe inspired me to become an AcroYoga teacher for kids, made me part of a community and gave me a new passion.

Otto Baart (28)
You gain a lot of flexibility, strength to fly anybody and a yearning to keep improving handstands!
But AcroYoga is about so much more than physically improving. It’s about connection, trust and feeling free.
You create a mindful connection with others in a playful setting. After the first class everybody gives each other a warm hug: you feel like you know everybody already.
I feel way more ‘in my body’. My partner and me have a strong foundation now. Movement has become kind a healthy addiction, instead of a drag. I’m very grateful for finding this passion.

Else Schenkeveld (32)
You can play as much as a child when you're an adult. And in the meantime, you get stronger, gain more trust and get more in touch with your body.
Standing on your head, making head-rolls and lifting people...So much fun!
Life is one big game, enjoy it!
This is the message I will take home after joining a course with Playful People Tribe. I feel very grateful. Roald and Marijke are in my heart.
Lex Lissauer (60)
I’m at least 25 years older than most other people that joined the AcroYoga Adventure and usually not good with groups. People often find me weird, because I don’t stick to the unwritten social rules. So I didn’t have very positive expectations about if I would fit in.
To my surprise and joy, me being different was no issue at all. I felt connected to everyone and part of the group all the time. I think that is partly because Roald understands the art of creating an atmosphere of solidarity and trust in a group. Marijke is also a contagious example of openness.
It is both touching and painful to realize that the connection and love that originated and stayed in those twelve weeks is so natural and so rare in daily (my) life. Oh, and yes: I have also become better at AcroYoga.
Hadewig Boerman (28)
The AcroYoga Adventure helped me to open myself for the different energies of people and find more connection with myself, by playing with each other and getting into my body. It also taught me to be soft towards myself and set my boundaries. You discover new layers of yourself in a light hearted way. And the vibe in the group was great!
“The 3-month course, the great teachers and the group helped me regain my life energy. I lost that energy quite some time ago, due to the surgical removal of four neck vertebrae and one arm nerve. A procedure that was required to take out a large tumor that had nested within and around my spinal cord.
The physical and mental aftermath of this period had pushed my energy and confidence in a place where it was challenging to find for me. Due to the safe atmosphere, the sharings, meditations, the tender, but clear instructions and the level of expertise of Roald and Marijke, I’ve grown a lot, in many ways.
I’ve gained more self esteem and more confidence in my body. Obviously, there are still things which will always be impossible for me, due to all the screws and rods that are keeping my head in the correct location. But I’ve discovered my boundaries as to what I’m capable off, so much more than I could ever envision.
I feel that it is easier for me to shine again, what a transformation! Huge amounts of gratitude and definitely a strong recommendation to join the courses, lessons and JAMS.”